Girls education program
In Tanzania, education can be hard to come by, especially if you’re a girl. Girls are often kept home to save on school fees and help out the family by working in a job or caring for young children in the household.
Such was the case of Violeth, a 15 year old girl who very much wanted to attend school. A good student, she had successfully completed primary school (grades 1- 7) and was selected to join the government secondary school in January 2022.
The government school is almost free, but students must purchase their own school uniforms and supplies. With her parents separated and her mother raising 5 children on her own, Violeth couldn’t afford the school fees and instead went to work as a maid.
Without an education, girls in rural Tanzania have no future. They must work from a young age in menial jobs for low wages and with no chance for advancement. They are often forced into an early marriage and become young mothers with many children. They can never attain their dreams or realize their full potential. And the cycle for girls continues down through the generations.
When Destiny Hope Foundation heard Violeth’s story in March 2022, we knew we had to do something to help. Violeth was a highly motivated young girl with budding leadership qualities and the ability to go far if only she was given an opportunity. We immediately began fundraising to pay Violeth’s school fees. Fortunately, our donors are so generous, and they immediately stepped up to help us make Violeth’s dream to attend school come true.
Today, Violeth is back in school. She feels immensely blessed to have resumed her studies. She is extremely grateful and fully committed to make the most of this opportunity. She dreams of becoming a doctor.
In Tanzania, this is how we break the cycle of poverty. We educate young girls so they can have a promising future. They can help bring about change to their families and to their village. There are many young girls like Violeth who need our help. Even a small donation is just enough to cover the cost of school uniforms and supplies – can change a girl’s future and that of her family.

Let’s join hands
This problem has been reported as the major problem hindering the children’s performance in schools. Destiny Hope Foundation strive to eliminate the problem by providing safe water to rural villages in order to reduce the problems. DHF asks your generously donation to make sure water well are drilled and being available in many areas where problem still worse.